Thinking of joining NATS?
Norfolk Amateur Theatrical Society Inc (NATS) warmly welcome new members.
If you would like to be involved on-stage, back-stage or front-of-house,
we are always looking for people to be involved.
We typically present two performances each year, and additionally host an annual theatre festival. NATS provide opportunities for our members to improve, develop and/or vary their dramatic skills, both onstage and backstage.
NATS’ mission is to create performances enjoyed by our audiences, provide a theatrical outlet for members and participants, and encourage camaraderie between individuals.
Our mission is achieved through members devoting endless time
and effort towards this common goal.
To become a member of NATS please contact us or complete an application form.
Individual Membership - $10
Family Membership - $15
Associate Membership - $2
Also be sure to join our group on Facebook to keep up to date with what's on!